Project as Project as Lucia Babina Commissioned by Chalet Society In collaboration with -Marjetica Potrč, artist-Ime Essien, dancer and choreographer-Leslie Veisse, curator Support-Chalet Society-Hochschule für bildende Künste (HFBK Hamburg)-IUAV (the Università Iuav di Venezia)-MSU (Michigan State University, USA) HFBK Hamburg Students-Xin Cheng-Maria Christou-Tino Holzmann-Robert Köpke-Barbara Niklas-Konouz Saeed, Mana Stahl-Julia Wycisk HFBK Hamburg guests of the … Read moreEXERCISING CITIZENSHIP ​


Project as Project as Lucia Babina/CohStra Commissioned by Atelier LUMA In collaboration with -Henriette Waal, co-founder of Atelier LUMA-Benedicte Hossenlopp, botanist-Marine Buu, Solid’Arles-Solid’Arles-Petit à Petit: Coopérer pour Vivre Ensemble Production ContributionMarianne Dos Reis, LUMA Local participants-Bernadette-Gina-Jean-Luc Montchal-Jean-Michel Buisson-Jean-Pierre -Jessica (Laulie)-Kéti -Mady Chaine-Maria Matias-Mireille Rizzo-Marine Rizzo-Martine Benet-Martine Berlioux-Martine Esmiol-Nina-Rachida -Zora Photos byVictor Picon Dans La Cuisine … Read moreCOLLABORATIVE KITCHEN


Project as Project as CohStra (Lucia Babina, Emiliano Gandolfi, Gabriela Rendón and Miguel Robles-Durán) Commissioned by Musagetes Foundation In collaboration with Production Contributions-Guillermo Delgado Castaneda/CohStra-Thomas Purcell/CohStra-Marjetica Potrc, artist Project Contributions-Lise Burcher, City of Guelph City-Lorie Delane, Onward Willow -Ali English, Farmstart Training -Eduardo Garay, FutureWatch EDEP -Rodrigo Goller, City of Guelph Community-Ryan Hayhurst, University of … Read moreGUELPH-WELLINGTON URBAN-RURAL


Project as Project as CohStra (Lucia Babina, Emiliano Gandolfi, Gabriela Rendón and Miguel Robles-Durán) Commissioned by Bordeaux Biennale Evento 2011 In collaboration with Support -City of Bordeaux-Michelangelo Pistoletto/Città dell’Arte Project Contributions-Guillermo Delgado Castaneda/CohStra-Carlos Garcia Sancho/CohStra-Floriane Arrijuria Minaberry-Fanny Liatard-Anne Cécile Paredes-Emmanuelle Roussilhes-Pouchet Bordeaux Report CohStra Bordeaux Report Research BORDEAUX REPORT EVENTO BIENNALE Cohabitation Strategies was invited … Read moreBORDEAUX REPORT


Project as Project as CohStra (Lucia Babina, Emiliano Gandolfi, Gabriela Rendón and Miguel Robles-Durán) Commissioned by Self produced project In collaboration with Support-Nederlands Architectuurinstituut-Eric Dullaert from Cultureel Denkwerk-Deelgemeente Charlois-Woonstad, dS+V-Berlage Institute-IHS-ART Hotel Rotterdam Project Contributions-ABC Brassband-Alonso Ayala, architect-Wim Blauw, sociologist-Libia Castro, artist-Aetzel Griffioen, philosopher-Vinca Kruk, designer-Ólafur Ólafsson, artist-Thomas Purcell, political economist-Erik Swyngedouw, geographer-Daniel van der … Read moreTHE OTHER CITY TARWEWIJK


Project as Project as CohStra (Lucia Babina, Emiliano Gandolfi, Gabriela Rendón and Miguel Robles-Durán) Commissioned by Self produced project In collaboration with SupportStimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie CohStra Urban Union URBAN UNION TARWEWIJK Urban Union Tarwewijk is an experimental urban research program grounded in Tarwewijk, a district in the south of Rotterdam. The project is the continuation … Read moreURBAN UNION TARWEWIJK

SUD 2007

Project as Project as Lucia Babina/iStrike (Lucia Babina, Iolanda Pensa, Francesca Recchia and Kamiel Verschuren) Commissioned by Self produced project In collaboration with doual’art (Marilyn Douala Bell, Didier Schaub) Support-Mondriaan Foundation-Prins Claus Fond Thinking about! participants -Blaise Bang, artist-Ulrike Bartels, curator-James Beckett, artist-Pauline Burmann (NL), foundation Thami Mnyele, Amsterdam-Edgar Cleijne, artist-Haco de Ridder, freelancer (Mondriaan … Read moreSUD 2007


Project as Project as Lucia Babina/iStrike.ultd Commissioned by Self produced project In collaboration with -Kamiel Verchuren-Stichting BAD-TENT-TU-Delft Bouwkunde/Spacelab–Urban Body Support-Deelgemeente Charlois-Dienst Kunst & Cultuur Rotterdam-Stichting Centrum -Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam-Stichting Nieuwe -Rotterdamse Cultuur-Vestia Feijenoord-De Nieuwe Unie Project Contributions-Ana Dzokic & Marc Neelen/Stealth [u]ltd, architects-Jeanne van Heeswijk, artist-Sang Lee, architect-Tor Lindstrand, architect-Daniele Pario Perra, artist-Taji “the chef”-Daniel … Read moreMFZ1


https://youtu.be/sOe0sgXOSOk Project as Lucia Babina Commissioned by Netherlands Architecture Institute NAI In collaboration with -Emiliano Gandolfi, curator-Hibo Aidrous Ali, assistant Storytellers-Abdrahim el Hachimi-Anne-Catharina Rozendaal-Aynur Akgog-Chrystabelle Beaton-Daniela Swarowski-Daphne Bom-Dineke Aaldijk-Dj Fader-Edy van der Bool-Elisabeth van der Poel-Eno Abel-Frank Wijnandt-Gabriela Davalos-Gary Asselberg-Gyzlene Zeroual-Heleen Flier-Hüsnü Uysal-Jacques Nachtegaal-Jay Papik-Jimmy-Johan Vervooren-Jonatan Kuijs-Karel van Kessel-Layla Hacene-Liesbeth van Wel-Luis Enrique Alarcon Diaz-Louise … Read moreSTOELENDANS


https://youtu.be/-WG7trLDR1U Part 1 https://youtu.be/1MuYpPWDkmQ Part 2 Project as Project as Lucia Babina Commissioned by Multipistes In collaboration with -Seamus Farrell, artist-Abdellah Karroum, curator-Mohssin Harraki Photo by Adolfo Estrada Video bySeamus Farrell 3R’sMAROC21 (PARTITION III) 3R’s Maroc 21 was initiated by the artist Seamus Farrell. The first part took place already in 2007 in Martil (Morocco), … Read more3R’sMAROC21
