Dear Explorers,
Through decades of intense work and personal commitment, my oeuvre addresses the challenges posed by financial precarity, homelessness and identity issues, caused by our shared and unequally felt crises of democracy and the more global injustice. The knowledge that we who face these crises are legion offers little relief. On the contrary, our numbers expose the level of catastrophe and the oppression we endure as individuals and as a trans-species planetary community.
This position however can provide for some the chance of reflection to reposition ourselves, somewhat of a blessing, to see this opportunity is also a privilege. It offers the possibility not only to serve and contribute to the material regeneration of this planet but also to the development of its inner science. For this reason, it is both my duty and pleasure through my artwork and my spiritual background to create SPACES of CARE and craft TRANSFORMATIVE TECHNOLOGIES that generate JUST IMAGINARIES for all, humans and more-than-humans alike.
With Love, Lucia Babina