Project as

Project as

CohStra (Lucia Babina, Emiliano Gandolfi, Gabriela Rendón and Miguel Robles-Durán)

Commissioned by

In collaboration with

Landscape Choreography

Artists guests
-Balletto Civile
-Paola Anziché

Associations and Institutions
-Associazione Venti 2008
-Azione Solidale
-Cascina Linterno
-Cenni di Cambiamento
-Fondazione Housing Sociale
-Genitori Scuola Infanzia via Marx e Scuola Primaria San Giusto
-Il Giro del Giro
-Il grafo
-Mapping San Siro
-Mondo Donna
-Nives Bezzo
-Orti San Carlo
-Parrocchia Sant’Elena
-Vivere San Siro

Inhabitants co-organizers
-Lella Ciampella
-Francesca Cognetti
-Daniela Galimberti
-Claudia Grava
-Mara Segalini
-Maria Luisa Milani Valerio
-Michele Gallo
-Sonia Sala

Video by
Paco Capaldi



R for Republic is the first manifestation of a Republic, a long-term project by Cohabitation Strategies and Landscape Choreography with the support of mare culturale urban. Atto Primo took place during the historical Quarto Cagnino party, a neighbourhood situated in the periphery of Milan. In recent months mare commissioned to Cohabitation Strategies and Landscape Choreography the development of a strategy to interrelate with the neighbourhood. What emerged was a dense dialogue with citizens, cultural actors, associations and local organisations. The project is composed by three main urban actions: the production of a neighbourhood flag composed by symbols representing the local initiatives or individuals in collaboration with Paola Anziché; a parade of urban re-appropriation choreographed by Balletto Civile; a collectively built pavilion with the help of constructLab. It is the beginning of an exercise of collective imagination and the attempt to define new boundaries in the perception of the problems and potentials of one of the most diverse areas of the city: the Zona 7. R for Republic is the first manifestation of the collaboration between mare culturale urbano and the city. The project is part of a larger program of actions in the Zona 7 of Milan, where mare is situated.
